If you have a chronic illness or disability, you've most likely journeyed through the medical system for years. If your condition causes you physical pain that has not responded well to medical treatment, you're probably dealing with constant emotional suffering as well. There are several stages we go through on our journey. The first stage consists of interventional treatments such as surgeries, injections, blocks, physical therapies and other similar treatments. You've gone to so many health practitioners that you start to think no one can help you or even understands the problem.
The second stage usually consist of pharmaceuticals. This is usually a variety of medications that your doctor prescribes for your specific condition. And maybe you've tried herbal remedies as well.
The problem with the first and second stages, is that it's easy to fall into a "passive patient" role of coping with your pain, especially if you haven't received a clear diagnosis.
It may look like this:
Passive Coping Strategies
- Doing nothing
- Waiting for someone to fix your pain.
- Waiting for something (external treatment or surgery) to fix your pain.
- Avoiding any activity that you think might be painful.
- Relying on medication.
- Resting
- Just talking about your pain or illness.
Yes, support groups may be very beneficial because they provide advice, encouragement and hope. But, research shows that just talking about your pain in support groups or online chat groups, does NOT change your pain.
We now know that taking an "active patient" approach is essential to managing or healing a chronic condition. The first step to taking action is taking personal responsibility. Responsibility means learning skills and strategies to help you cope when your condition or pain becomes severe.
It may look like this:
Active Coping Strategies
- Seeking better education about your condition or pain.
- Being curious and OPEN-MINDED, and able to look at your illness from a different perspective.
- Wiling to try new and different approaches.
- Mind your thoughts and emotions.
- Create a vision and make plans.
- Set small goals and gradually move towards them.
- Being patient and keeping a positive attitude.
Just like developing any other skills in life, learning to cope with pain differently takes time and focus. New strategies take determination, dedication and practice. The more active you are, and the more you practice, the more empowered you become. It is within this new perspective that you can move into a place of positive change.
Discover a natural system to heal your pain and reduce your suffering.
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