Drinking Water

Drinking enough water is often overlooked as a pain management strategy, as well as having a huge impact on your overall health.

Did you know that your body is made up of between 60-70% water? Simply put, water affects every organ and cell within your body. Water makes up 90% of blood, 75% of lean muscle tissue, 74% of the brain and 22% of your bones.

Every cell and organ in your body needs water to function properly. Water helps regulate our metabolism, controls our appetite and aids in the digestive process. It lubricates our joints and regulates body temperature. It’s essential for our kidneys to function properly and flush out harmful toxins from our body. Sufficient water consumption also keeps your skin healthy and improves cognitive function.

We often think our bodies need water for doing activities and exercise, but we use water just by breathing! Drinking enough water sounds so easy, yet most of us do not drink nearly enough.

Some of the symptoms of dehydration include:

  • headaches
  • fatigue and tiredness
  • brain “fog”
  • muscle pain
  • constipation
  • stomach ulcers

Pain from joint swelling can also be the result of dehydration. The cartilage in your body, including your joints, is composed mainly of water. The joints must stay soft and well hydrated to minimize friction between your bones.

The amount of water our bodies need to function properly is different for everyone. Some studies suggest dividing your body weight in half, and drinking that amount in ounces of water. Example: If you weigh 160 pounds, then drink 80 ounces or 10 cups of water per day.

In 2004 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) established some general guidelines for water intake. Healthy adult women need around 91 ounces (11 cups) of total water and healthy adult men need about 125 ounces (15 cups) every day. “Total” water also includes the water in other beverages — even coffee or tea– as well as the water in hydrating, high-water-volume foods. About 80 percent of our daily water intake comes from beverages, and the remaining 20 percent comes from the foods we eat.

One of the best ways to gauge how much water you need is to tune in and listen to your body. The color of your urine is another good indicator. If it is dark yellow, you are most likely not drinking enough. It should be pale yellow or even clear.

It’s a good practice to start your morning with a large glass of water (hot or cold) with lemon. Invest in a good BPA–free water bottle and keep it with you during the day. You’re more likely to stay hydrated if the water is in front of you. You can also stay hydrated with fruits and vegetables with high-water content. Try adding cucumbers, celery, radishes, zucchini, strawberries, oranges, watermelon, grapefruit or cantaloupe to your diet!

To your great health,

Sue Ann Stelfox

Posted onMay 23, 2017Categorieschronic pain, pain managementTagschronic pain, pain managementLeave a commenton Can Drinking Water Help Manage Your Pain?Edit"Can Drinking Water Help Manage Your Pain?"

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